General Info on Exhibition
Within the framework of the TELFOR’s program, the exhibition of the communication hardware, software, systems, services, and accompanying equipment will be held, where the companies will present their production programs. The exhibition will take place in the Main hall of the Sava Center. Past years the TELFOR Exhibition was very successful and very popular. Around 30 companies-exhibitors took part in the 2009 exhibition.
As a present or future important partner of the Telecommunications Society, ETF – School of Electrical Engineering – University of Belgrade and IEEE Serbia & Montenegro Com Chapter, we invite you to take part in this year TELFOR’s Exhibition!
Technical conditions
The average size of the displaying space of a company-exhibitor could typically be from four square meters to 10 square meters (with the depth of the displaying space between 2-4 meters), but other arrangements are possible, too. For example, it is also possible to rent a specially arranged larger displaying space or a very limited space for exhibiting technical books or magazines. Please see the TELFOR Exhibition pictures from previous TELFORs (
Organizational conditions
The company-exhibitor should, as soon as possible, in written, fax or e-mail form, forward its application for the participation in the exhibition, send data about its representative (name, function, telephone, fax, e-mail address) and define its possible particular requests. An empty order form is displayed at the (Exhibition) and could be copied, filled and sent as a preliminary application.
The representative of the company-exhibitor will, together with the TELFOR’s representative (Ivan Nador, dipl.eng., +381 64 6501504, e-mail, select the size of the displaying space, harmonize other necessary technical conditions, select the equipment, pictures, posters, and other material which is to be exhibited, and take part in the creation of a stand of the company-exhibitor.
The displaying space is to be arranged on Monday, November 22, 2010, only. The stand could be dismantled only upon the completion of all the TELFOR activities, on Thursday, November 25, 2010, during the afternoon.
Price and the paying conditions
The price of one square meter of the exhibition space is 12.000 RS dinars (+VAT), or equivalent in Euros, for all three days of the TELFOR, under the condition that it is paid before November 20, 2010.
After this deadline, the price is 16.000 RS dinars (+VAT) per 1 m2, or equivalent in Euros.
TELFOR Main Supporters (support of minimum 250.000 RSD) have 30% discount, TELFOR Supporters (support of minimum 100.000 RSD) have 15% discount and Friend organizations (support of minimum 50.000 RSD) have 5% discount to the mentioned prices, for the displaying space up to 16 square meters. For the space over the 16 square meters, the regular price will be applied.
Upon defining the displaying space, the TELFOR Secretary (Danka Despotović, +381 64 1404461, e-mail will send to exhibitor an appropriate invoice. The exhibitor could pay in advance at a discount price, or at a regular price maximum 15 days after the end of the TELFOR. The payment is to be made to:
Bank Account Number (for payments in dinars - RSD)
IBAN (for payments in Euros) (BANCA INTESA ad Beograd, Serbia, SWIFT DBDBRSBG)
Name of the Account
"Telecommunications Society - Belgrade"
Purpose of the payment:
TELFOR Exhibition.
Particular conditions
The exhibiting space and the number of exhibitors are somewhat limited. The requests are to be harmonized in advance with the TELFOR’s representative, the companies that do it earlier having more advantages.
All requests and agreements are finally accepted only upon official confirmation.
In the course of the TELFOR, the companies-exhibitors can organize their own activities at their stands, for example, presentations, meetings or press conferences. These activities are to be complied with the Forum’s organizer.
If the company exhibitor is not the TELFOR supporter but is interested to be, please send the e-mail to
The TELFOR’s representative in charge for the exhibition and commercial presentations:
Mr. Ivan Nador, dipl.eng.
Phone: +381 11 3200255, fax +381 11 3248681, mobile +381 64 6501504,
All other information and/or inquires:
Danka Despotović, TELFOR Secretary
Tel. +381 64 1404461, Fax +381 11 3248681, e-mail:
TELFOR, ETF, Bul. kralja Aleksandra 73, PF 3554, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia
We are expecting you at the TELFOR’s exhibition. Sincere regards!